Storage heaters

1 results for Storage heaters

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Optimize your thermal comfort with intuis storage heaters, innovative heating solutions that provide you with gentle and enveloping warmth throughout the day. Designed to store heat during off-peak hours and release it gradually when needed, our storage heaters ensure a consistent and pleasant warmth even after the heating period.

Intuis storage heaters feature advanced technology that allows them to accumulate heat during times when electricity is cheaper, thus optimizing your energy consumption. Thanks to their high-density accumulation core, they can store a significant amount of heat, enabling you to enjoy optimal thermal comfort without the need to consume electricity during peak hours. Moreover, our storage heaters are equipped with smart thermostats that allow you to regulate the temperature according to your preferences and achieve additional energy savings.

The installation of intuis storage heaters is carried out by our professional installer partners who specialize in storage heating solutions. Their expertise enables them to determine the best installation configuration to maximize the efficiency of your storage heaters. You can rely on them to guide you in selecting the heaters that suit your specific needs and to ensure a meticulous and compliant installation according to current standards.

By choosing intuis storage heaters, you benefit from optimal thermal comfort and control over your energy consumption. Our storage heaters provide you with gentle and consistent warmth, evenly distributed throughout the day, ensuring constant comfort. Moreover, they allow you to achieve significant energy savings by using electricity during off-peak hours.

Trust intuis storage heaters for efficient and energy-saving heating. Contact us today to explore our complete range of storage heaters and enjoy optimal thermal comfort while reducing your energy bills. With intuis, you have control over both your comfort and energy expenses.