Naturay nativ Hug

French Origin Guaranteed
Naturay hug nativ - Brute de lave - 1500W

Naturay hug nativ - Brute de lave - 1500W


Naturay nativ Hug

Designer and connected bathroom radiator with active facade in raw sawn natural lava stone

Bathroom radiator: design and connected to active raw lava facade: double effect: controlled inertia and gentle heat




    Reference : K160723

    Recommended retail price (incl. VAT)


    Spare parts and accessories must be installed by a certified professional.


    • Naturay nativ * RAW lava in bathroom version, equipped with 2 drying bars and special “drying” adjustment functions. For large bathroom living rooms that need a real radiator and drying features.
    • Each radiator is unique, the raw sawn natural stone of the facade reveals the geological traces linked to past tectonic activity. The 2 designer drying bars are positioned on the left, right or on the top.
    • An ideal proportion for this vertical model: 1.65 m in height for a small width of 45 cm, offers an elegant and comfortable exchange and drying surface without taking up space.
    • New nativ adjustment interface with its color graphic screen, simplified connectivity and new energy saving functions. Note the peak hour selfclearing function for responsible use of electricity.*
    • Origine France Garantie
    • Garantie 5 ans

    * see Naturay nativ


    Since each degree less is 7% savings. NATURAY HUG nativ presents the most advanced energy saving features recommended within the framework of EECs (energy saving certificates) and DPE renovations.

    NEW  Native interface

    • Color graphic screen with mode selector
    • Synchronization between native device
    • Mode programming in degrees
    • Adjustment accuracy to the 10th of a degree.
    • Certified AC of 0.1
    • Behavioral indicator.
    • Digital detector retractable absence
    • Auto-adaptive scheduling.
    • Open window detection.
    • B&B and hotel landlord functions: locking of orders by pin code and setpoint supervision.
    • Temperature calibration.
    • Daily and weekly programming.

    Bathroom functions

    • Start-up of the 800W blower timed from 15 minutes to 2 hours. 6-order pilot wire

    Technical Specifications

    Qualities and Environmental Characteristics


    Certifications and regulations


    Spare parts

    (1) Recommended retail prices (excluding installation) may vary depending on each installer, who is free to set their own rates. Additionally, if your home is over 2 years old, you may be eligible for a reduced VAT rate of 10% or 5.5% for products eligible for the Energy Transition Tax Credit (heat pumps and thermodynamic water heaters). Please note that to benefit from tax credits and energy rebates, the products must be supplied and installed by a qualified professional.

    Le Campaver Nativ Hug est un radiateur de salle de bains design de la gamme intuis Signature. Ce produit incarne la transition réussie de la marque Campa vers intuis Signature. Il offre une solution de chauffage spécialement conçue pour les salles de bains, alliant une esthétique moderne à des performances de chauffage de qualité. Les radiateurs Campaver Nativ Hug sont conçus pour apporter un confort thermique optimal à votre salle de bains tout en ajoutant une touche d'élégance à votre espace. Ils sont adaptés aux besoins de chauffage spécifiques de cette pièce. Si vous recherchez un radiateur de salle de bains design de haute qualité pour chauffer cet espace de manière esthétique et efficace, les radiateurs Campaver Nativ Hug d'intuis Signature sont un excellent choix, marquant la transition réussie de la marque Campa vers intuis Signature.