What is a manual setpoint ?
A manual setpoint, or override, allows you to change the temperature of one of your rooms for a defined period without altering your usual schedule.
You can override your schedule by:
- Using the application:
- From the main screen, select the room.
- Directly adjust the setpoint using the "+" and "-" buttons (or select ECO or COMFORT for pilotable devices).
This override has a modifiable limited duration in the heating settings. However, you can modify this duration for this override by clicking on the pencil icon next to the "manual setpoint" banner.
- Similarly, you can set a single room to Frost Protection or Away mode. However, the duration of the override will be unlimited by default.
- Similarly, you can set a single room to Frost Protection or Away mode. However, the duration of the override will be unlimited by default.
- Using the radiator (only for intelligent radiators equipped with the button):
- On the radiator's control panel, change the temperature setpoint using the "+" and "-" buttons (or the dial).
- You can modify the duration of the override from the application as if the override had been made directly on it.
- To cancel a current override and return to the scheduled mode from the radiator, you can press the Smart ECOcontrol button on it
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